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By David Lang

The following stories may fire your imagination, pique your interest. Some say 1MDB is Malaysia's Sovereign Wealth fund; to others they asked what wealth fund when its total capitalization is just One million ringgit? But, then again, if you think you can look down on the pet idea of the Malaysian prime minister, think again. His idea has the potential of turning the now world famous - or shall we say, infamous - 1Malaysia Development Berhad into a giant corporation you can ever imagine - even bigger than Bill Gate's Microsoft! At least, it could be, if the original course is stayed. It was supposed to inspire Malaysians to think big besides advance growth, according to its slogans screaming out of giant bill boards throughout the country. 'Backed' by the finance ministry who owns it - which means money will never be the problem - it can only succeed. But..it didn't. It failed! That's why it may have piqued many people's curiosity. How can a company flush with cash and can borrow any amount (billions) anytime could fail? Well, this may be in line with your thinking. People have seen since its inception - I mean after its name was changed in 1999 from Trengganu Investment Authority (TIA) to the present - it hasn't done any business! I have used present tense deliberately. It hasn't done any business yet. I mean if you are in business you need to make profit or find ways to make profit. Or close shop. Oh, I had heard about their filings of tax returns and hiring of a couple of internationally known auditors to sign off on their balance sheets; but these concerned only the company's borrowings and interests to be paid. Two massive bonds were issued to the tune of $7 billions. To buy up power plants. Again I want to say if you are in business to make money even investing in independent Power Plants, it should be done with the view to making a profit. The decision may be long term or short term, it doesn't matter, it has to make money, or no deal. May be they have done the right thing. Maybe luck was not on their side. Still, the amount is staggering. I didn't know having or managing so much money can be a problem! But many - especially the Malays - have not given up hope yet. Yes, may be the durians are just ripening; may be they need time and may fall soon!

Flying bat in a marquee

This is a automatic time

Recent Articles

This video is presented courtesy of Sally Page:

Malaysia's Vision 2020

By:David Lang

Malaysia is supposed to be on its way to becoming a developed nation, by the year 2020. Will she make it (in less than five years -tick-tuck, tick-tuck)? There is no doubt the year 2020 is coming whether the country is ready or not, and if that will be the only requirement then Malaysia will attain that developed nation status on schedule. There is a question, though, Will Malaysia, or Malaysians, for that matter, be ready for that status as far as their affluence, quality of life's concern? Currently Malaysia's GNI per capita stood at US$10060. According to the World Bank high income economies are those with GNI per capita of US$12,745. And until Malaysians earn much more to be there, the developed nation status may not be achieved even by the year 2020. The futility of declaring a country a high income country when it's not, achieves nothing. May be even counter-productive; it lulls the country into false sense of success and premature celebration. Don't forget China reportedly overtook Japan as the world's second largest economy, but in actual fact China's citizens' ca pita income is a fraction of the incomes of the Japanese who earn $37,000. Chinese incomes range from $13,000. China's gross domestic product, taken as a whole, may beat Japan's, but in term of quality of life, and GNI per capita income, the criteria for a developed nation status, China still has a lot of catching up to do. That's why China still qualifies as recipient of Japan's economic aid meant for developing countries. Comparing with the Chinese per capita domestic product, Malaysia is even worse off. Unless the government bucks up and rushes to create more wealth for its citizens, the Vision 2020 dream may remain just that ..a dream.

Jun 29, 2013

'MCA go home' vs 'Where was DAP 13 years ago?' at Jonker Walk

'MCA go home' vs 'Where was DAP 13 years ago?' at Jonker Walk
What?! Gan qualified his being there as a survey, not to protest? Let alone to lead the protest? Did Mr. Gan Tian Loo realize that the MCA protest carries more weight than DAP protest many times over. The state government, being UMNO-led government, considers the DAP as the opposition working hand-in-hand with PAS and PKR to oust UMNO from power, rescinding the directive on the request from DAP leaders will make the party even more popular. I thought, at first, here come the MCA, finally to do what it's supposed to do. Then the expected  happened. He got cold feet. The reporter who covered the protest reported Gan was suddenly cautious . He was like ..."I'm here to lend my support to..the .. no, wait! I am not here to support the traders - but just to do a quick survey! But I am glad to be standing here with the protesters but reporters, please put it down in black and white I am not, I repeat, am not here as part of the protest. This is the reason the MCA was shunned, I mean has been shunned by the Chinese. They do not represent the Chinese anymore. They cannot get things done anymore unlike in the old days. Gan admitted his meeting with the chief minister was fruitless, but would keep trying. Keep trying for what? He should stop embarrassing the MCA and reducing its credibility further by continuing to beg despite being rebuffed earlier. Again, this proved that the Malaysian Chinese Association has really completely lost its usefulness. If a small matter like Jonker Walk closure was beyond its power then, that 's it.

Jun 22, 2013

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Feb 15, 2013

How To Repair Your Own Refrigerator And Save A Bundle

when I received a call the other day (night) from a Miss Lee complaining about her fridge not working (she noticed the temperature inside the fridge was warm comparable to room temperature), I asked her to check if the fridge's power switch was at on or off?

Sep 2, 2016

The Real McCoy (of Thai boxing)

The Drl Blog

This movie (how Tong Po beat up John Van Dame, and then in the end, Tong Po got beaten up by John Van Dame in return to make things look more believable) was all about Tong Po. The real McCoy of Thai boxing. Every Dick, Tom and Harry would like to have a shot at him and, if possible, beat him and beat him good - to stamp his mark as a credible kick boxer. Even Jon Van Dame couldn't help jumping on the bandwagon. Yes, even John Van Van Dame, an established fighter by any standard, needed that recognition - needed to have Tong Po's scalp under his belt to prove his (vanity) case. Fortunately for him, though, Van Dame not only has skill he also has means. So to beat the real McCoy of Thai kick boxing and humiliate him (Tong Po) to make his future movies even bigger box-office successes, Van Dam decided to shoot a movie; so that in the future his kick boxing movies will sell like hot cake! Moreover this was the only way for Van Dame or any boxer for that matter, to beat this Thai super-fit boxer: ask him to agree to lose the fight intentionally! John Van Dame would write the script or ask someone else to do it in such a way that John Van Dame would emerge the winner. Tong Po would be convinced that this was (the way of) a movie, a make-believe project that has only one hero - Van Dame. In exchange for his 'acting' in the movie, he could demand his pay, which he did. Tong Po did demand a high price, I believe, to lower his reputation and buttress that of his opponent in the ring, and at the end of the day laughed all the way to the Bank of Thailand. Of course, both were the same; they wanted something out of this game of death. Tong Po wanted the pay to dwarf that of the richest purse for top Thai fighter; so that he could escape being paid to be willing punching bag for aspiring or diminishing champions. While Van Dame got what he - and a whole lot of boxers of all sizes - wanted so much: beating the real McCoy of Thai kick boxing, the beating to their reputation is more than the beating they inflicted on the Thai fighter. Then he would reign supreme in the martial art world. That is what they thought and needed. Damned, even if they hang up their gloves after beating Tong Po, they could satisfy their vanity by keep telling and showing the movie of the bout forever to their children or grand children or whoever cared to watch! Even Steven Segal would definitely be wary to take him on! But then again, this cheap shot at glory only proved one thing. Tong Po was magnificent, fearless, fearsome, master of his trades, and a fighter like no other who could best anyone in the ring. But watching this movie caused me to be transported back to another ringside in downtown Bangkok many, many years ago to witness the tournament to decide who could destroy who - (real, live, and not make-believe one) Thai boxing vs. Chinese Kungfu. But that's another story. still, there's another movie protagonist who's as muscular as John Van Dame and who's easy on the eyes too is Lorenzo Lamas. Despite being able to throw quick punches like German anti-aircraft guns, he did not seek to bolster his ego through out-punching Tong Po in Thailand. Maybe he would, on the fly!

Sultan Karam: No Venture No Gain

The Drl Blog

Malaysia was suddenly put in a difficult position, if not dangerous, when a group of Filipinos, numbering about 200 (although they themselves claimed 400), some were armed - lightly according to themselves, again) landed at its Eastern state of Sabah. The men who Malaysia later called terrorists claimed they represented the Sultan of Sulu known as Sultan Jamlul Kiram 111, and would only take orders from him. While the Sultan himself stayed harmless in his Manila 'palace' but kept in touch with his loyal army led by his own brother who's supposed to be crown prince Agmudin Kiram - through omdern technology tools. Beside the Sultan and another able spokesman of the royal house, Abraham Idjirani, there the Sultan's own daughter Princess Locel Kiram also helped their cause by giving encouragement to the men in harm's way in Lahad Datu, and by admonishing the Philippines president for his apparent siding with the Malaysian prime minister. Their morale were high according to the princess. But not for long; at the rate the Malaysian armed forces are throwing everything - at them - air strikes and ground sweeps - they either prevailed or be prevailed soon. They were out-numbered; no way they could win no matter how good or well-trained they were. This intrusion was ill-advised as it was done on an ad hoc basis. They didn't receive the green- light from the Philippines government and therefor they were on their own. A mere 400 men against a whole army of Malaysia. The odds are too against them. Their only chance was either to surrender or escape - or disappeared into the Filipino population in Sabah. If that happened, a lot of their Sulu brothers or sisters were going to suffer as the Malaysian authorities will want to purge the whole state of any Filipinos suspected of helping or even sympathizing with "the enemies." According to news report quoting the IGP Imail Omar almost a hundred people were detained as suspected sympathizers or helpers to the Sulu gunmen. This could only get worse as the authorities intensified the crackdown on the enemies or their supporters.The reports that some of the Malaysian policemen killed had been tortured and their bodies mutilated, had incensed the Malaysian side, which was no more in the mood to compromise but had started to go all-out to exterminate the invaders by throwing everything including the kitchen sink at them.

In the end, the Sultan or his army had accomplished almost nothing. If his intention was to create havoc with the intention to asking for an increase to the pittance annual payment of 5300 Malaysian ringgit, he had literally blown it and he knew it. There was no reason for Malaysia to consider raising the rent, as the Sultanate was fond to call the 5,300 Malaysian ringgit payment, as the lease was not up for renewal or about to expire. In fact, even if Malaysia defaulted on the payment, there was nothing the Sultan could do.And now Malaysia had even less reason to agree to any proposals from the Sultan. Earlier the Sultan was reported to have infuriated both Manila and Putrajaya. Although President Aquino had markedly toned down his criticism of the sultanate’ actions, the Sultan Jamalul had now even lesser chance of success for his plan as he had lost a lot of goodwill from the Malaysian side, who in the beginning was even accused of being too lenient with the ragtag, so-called Sulu Royal army. They blew it themselves any chance of accomplishing anything when they killed the Malaysian security forces - not to mention they mutilated the bodies of the slain policemen. They had only themselves to blame for what may turn out a disaster for them in the coming days unless there was a divine intervention. Malaysia is now in the unforgiving mood. With up to eight police commandos killed, the Malaysian government had no choice but to reject the unilateral ceasefire declared by the Sultan and instead ordered the armed intruders to unconditionally surrender or be destroyed, according to the angry Malaysian PM. In fact, to be fair to the Philippines government, enough warning had been sounded to the determined and fearless sultan, that his actions would not bring any benefit but harm to his cause and the 800,000 Filipino emigrants residing or working in Sabah (at the pleasure of the Malaysian government). Now with suspicion thick in the air, that the armed men might have had helpers or sympathizers among the almost one million Filipinos in Sabah, what would happen next (to those with connection to the botched invasion) is anybody's guess.

In the end, not only the loved ones of the slain police commandos had to suffer, but a lot of the Philippines emigrants who had hitherto been welcome to stay in Sabah may have to collectively pay for the mistakes of their sultan - some dearly.

Now the Filipinos in Sabah have something in common with the Palestinians in Gaza Strip - collective punishment.When a few Palestinians from Hamas lobbed rockets into Southern Israel, the Jewish state increased pressure on the Strip, tightening restriction on movement of both goods and humans as a form of (collective) punishment. The same fate could befall the Filipinos in Sabah through or through no fault of theirs. Sad.

Premature Ejaculation - but no complaint!

The Drl Blog

During my youth I attended a pratical course provided by the GEC (General Electric Company of England). Everyday I would be at the GEC workshop located at Biship Street from nine to five. As repairs and servicing...refrigerators and air-conditioners its only core business, it was out- sourced to another servicing company located not far from the GEC (General Electric Company of England) workshop. While most repairs were to be carried out at the GEC workshop, the people doing all the work were from the out- source company. I worked for the out-source company. So did another 6 persons. Two of them were head mechanics. Their jobs were to test run all completed repairs before declaring the jobs done. One of the head mechanics was a man of 27. His name was Wong Jen; scar-faced and highly sexed. He's, incidentally, the subject of this article. Wong inspired this story/ I hung my story on Wong because of his...sex drive. I know some of you may consider a waste of time to read this story because what's a big deal about a man with a strong sex drive, you may ask. You have heard about this story often enough, you may add. But you won't think it's a waste if you hear how highly sexed he's. Well, he's so highly-sexed that he needed release often; sometimes 2-3 times in an hour! Let me explain. Let me give an anecdote of what I mean. One day, while idling at our workshop directly opposite a hotel noted for its service in proving rooms for prostitutes to entertain clients, we were alerted a new hooker had just arrived from the mainland. At once we realized we need to get laid. So without hesitation we rushed up stairs to investigate. The girl was young and desirable; and that's all we asked. After all, we didn't need to marry her but just to satisfy our lust. Get laid. It was agreed that Wong was to be the first to go in while the rest to wait outside the door for our turns. But after a few seconds after he entered the room, and the door shut after him, the door opened again and Wong rushed out ...and headed for the bathroom. We rushed into the room and found the prostitute in her birthday suit, legs spread wide to real her hairy pussy. when the girl heard us wondering aloud whether Wong was done, she told us he was not. "He said he needed to use the bathroom room first,why?" The girl also seemed to wonder and added, "he looked at me and there," pointing to her wet vagina, "and then said he'd be back!" We could become aware of the reason for Wong's disappearance to the bathroom only after he went into the girl's room again to pleasure himself and (this time) he invited us to view the intercourse. However, hardly any intercourse took place; Wong's penis was fully erect and all that after he returned from the bathroom but no for long, unfortunately; as soon as he touched the girl's pussy lips (with his cock) he cried out in...pleasure (of course, what else?) and shot his load on the the girl's private part. The girl who closed both her eyes during all this probably didn't feel a thing. She earned 30 Malaysian ringgit (approximately $10) for nothing. If this was a rape case trial, the judge would probably return a verdict of not guilty since there was no penetration. Wong later confessed he was ultra-sensitive sexually; he went to the bathroom earlier to masturbate and ejaculate in order to reduce the sensitiveness of his penis and have a better staying power when mounting the girl. But it was to no avail. He admitted he suffered from premature ejaculation. But when asked if he suffered from lack of sexual pleasure, he said no. On the contrary, he said, to be able to ejaculate a multiple of times in just one hour makes him happy, for now!