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By David Lang

The following stories may fire your imagination, pique your interest. Some say 1MDB is Malaysia's Sovereign Wealth fund; to others they asked what wealth fund when its total capitalization is just One million ringgit? But, then again, if you think you can look down on the pet idea of the Malaysian prime minister, think again. His idea has the potential of turning the now world famous - or shall we say, infamous - 1Malaysia Development Berhad into a giant corporation you can ever imagine - even bigger than Bill Gate's Microsoft! At least, it could be, if the original course is stayed. It was supposed to inspire Malaysians to think big besides advance growth, according to its slogans screaming out of giant bill boards throughout the country. 'Backed' by the finance ministry who owns it - which means money will never be the problem - it can only succeed. But..it didn't. It failed! That's why it may have piqued many people's curiosity. How can a company flush with cash and can borrow any amount (billions) anytime could fail? Well, this may be in line with your thinking. People have seen since its inception - I mean after its name was changed in 1999 from Trengganu Investment Authority (TIA) to the present - it hasn't done any business! I have used present tense deliberately. It hasn't done any business yet. I mean if you are in business you need to make profit or find ways to make profit. Or close shop. Oh, I had heard about their filings of tax returns and hiring of a couple of internationally known auditors to sign off on their balance sheets; but these concerned only the company's borrowings and interests to be paid. Two massive bonds were issued to the tune of $7 billions. To buy up power plants. Again I want to say if you are in business to make money even investing in independent Power Plants, it should be done with the view to making a profit. The decision may be long term or short term, it doesn't matter, it has to make money, or no deal. May be they have done the right thing. Maybe luck was not on their side. Still, the amount is staggering. I didn't know having or managing so much money can be a problem! But many - especially the Malays - have not given up hope yet. Yes, may be the durians are just ripening; may be they need time and may fall soon!

Flying bat in a marquee

This is a automatic time

Recent Articles

This video is presented courtesy of Sally Page:

Malaysia's Vision 2020

By:David Lang

Malaysia is supposed to be on its way to becoming a developed nation, by the year 2020. Will she make it (in less than five years -tick-tuck, tick-tuck)? There is no doubt the year 2020 is coming whether the country is ready or not, and if that will be the only requirement then Malaysia will attain that developed nation status on schedule. There is a question, though, Will Malaysia, or Malaysians, for that matter, be ready for that status as far as their affluence, quality of life's concern? Currently Malaysia's GNI per capita stood at US$10060. According to the World Bank high income economies are those with GNI per capita of US$12,745. And until Malaysians earn much more to be there, the developed nation status may not be achieved even by the year 2020. The futility of declaring a country a high income country when it's not, achieves nothing. May be even counter-productive; it lulls the country into false sense of success and premature celebration. Don't forget China reportedly overtook Japan as the world's second largest economy, but in actual fact China's citizens' ca pita income is a fraction of the incomes of the Japanese who earn $37,000. Chinese incomes range from $13,000. China's gross domestic product, taken as a whole, may beat Japan's, but in term of quality of life, and GNI per capita income, the criteria for a developed nation status, China still has a lot of catching up to do. That's why China still qualifies as recipient of Japan's economic aid meant for developing countries. Comparing with the Chinese per capita domestic product, Malaysia is even worse off. Unless the government bucks up and rushes to create more wealth for its citizens, the Vision 2020 dream may remain just that ..a dream.

Jun 29, 2013

'MCA go home' vs 'Where was DAP 13 years ago?' at Jonker Walk

'MCA go home' vs 'Where was DAP 13 years ago?' at Jonker Walk
What?! Gan qualified his being there as a survey, not to protest? Let alone to lead the protest? Did Mr. Gan Tian Loo realize that the MCA protest carries more weight than DAP protest many times over. The state government, being UMNO-led government, considers the DAP as the opposition working hand-in-hand with PAS and PKR to oust UMNO from power, rescinding the directive on the request from DAP leaders will make the party even more popular. I thought, at first, here come the MCA, finally to do what it's supposed to do. Then the expected  happened. He got cold feet. The reporter who covered the protest reported Gan was suddenly cautious . He was like ..."I'm here to lend my support to..the .. no, wait! I am not here to support the traders - but just to do a quick survey! But I am glad to be standing here with the protesters but reporters, please put it down in black and white I am not, I repeat, am not here as part of the protest. This is the reason the MCA was shunned, I mean has been shunned by the Chinese. They do not represent the Chinese anymore. They cannot get things done anymore unlike in the old days. Gan admitted his meeting with the chief minister was fruitless, but would keep trying. Keep trying for what? He should stop embarrassing the MCA and reducing its credibility further by continuing to beg despite being rebuffed earlier. Again, this proved that the Malaysian Chinese Association has really completely lost its usefulness. If a small matter like Jonker Walk closure was beyond its power then, that 's it.

Jun 22, 2013

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Feb 15, 2013

How To Repair Your Own Refrigerator And Save A Bundle

when I received a call the other day (night) from a Miss Lee complaining about her fridge not working (she noticed the temperature inside the fridge was warm comparable to room temperature), I asked her to check if the fridge's power switch was at on or off?

Nov 14, 2017

How To Stop Drinking Without Stopping!

Drinking Beer or Liqueur Can Make Life Enjoyable Or Hell. Checked.

By David Lang

How to stop drinking without stopping?

I have stopped drinking for about 10 years now. I know I have stopped drinking according to people involved in the research to find answers to this drink problem. But that's not how I call it; I called it I have licked the problem of problem drinking or a drink problem. Although I have not touched the stuff for a long time, it doesn't necessarily mean I have stopped drinking, though. I have not; there is no need to. I can go to any convenience store and buy a pack of six of Heineken and call a friend over to share it while watching a live telecast of a football match anytime, and won't have to contend with guilt and regret afterward. Checked.

People suffer from the effects of drinking because of emotions, such as anxieties which can be frightening unless they seek help, although physical effects can be as severe (the drinkers' kidneys, livers and minds take a direct beating, while other organs also receive harm over time. Once they are damaged and, worse, if they fail at some stage, which they do as sure as the sun rises in the east if the drinkers never value life and carry on regardless, it spells the end of normal life, or even life itself). These are the dangers of drinking (over drinking) which we should always remember while enjoying ourselves. Incidentally the word beer means 'B-before E-enjoy, E-ending R-regret.'

I mentioned earlier (hypothetically) I ran down to the convenient store and picked up a couple of packs of Heineken to enjoy with a friend while watching football and didn't suffer from guilt or regret afterward, right? Exactly the point I am talking about! Alcoholics or those with a drink problem have been praying for the day when they can drink without the destructive effects I just mentioned. And if there is any drug or way that can like-so protect them, there will be a stampede to get their hands on it. The good news is..that that way is not far-fetched but maybe available soon in a book sold on Amazon online store!

Stay tuned; further information will be presented in The Drl Blog when the merchandise will be available. Checked.

The fact that I have not gone to the store to do so is not due to a promise I promised my girlfriend that if she agrees to marry me, I will stop drinking or will not drink again. Or because I was afraid of the pitfall of that first drink that is so fatal to alcoholics; the 'never again' immortal words that alcoholics often say to (announce) repent after the fateful 'just one for the road' which resulted in the familiar pattern of hopeless, uncontrollable drinking. Checked.

But purely because I don't want to; I just don't want to. Or shall we say, I don't have the urge to drink. For nobody, nobody no matter who they are can stop or make me stop or want to stop. I refuse to go the store and buy beer because I have no need to for it. Of course, if I have to I have no choice but to go and the get the beers. Should somebody says "David, I order you to drink to the last can all the six cans you have bought, or else I won't be your best friend any more," of course, you drink, yes, all the six cans as required, and they tasted quite alright, but there was no joy. Checked.

Believe me, I know the difference between the joy of drinking when I want it, crave for it, and the joy of drinking a Heineken which tastes not bad but you don't want it; but was forced to drink for a reason. Checked.

I should know as I have lived through more than two decades of life torn between a longing to (be able to continue to) drink and a longing to stop (once and for all). Checked.

I too have uttered those immortal words - 'never again.' The life that I endured I describe it as hell as every day I spent my life dreaming of what might have been had I not had this drink problem. I suffered through and through, there is no word to describe the kind of hell that I endured for about two decades. I felt afraid, full of anxieties I cannot explain. Anxieties can wreck a person's well-being the severest and could lead to unimaginable consequences. I felt like I was a freak - lying about having stopped drinking when asked or promising to stop when found out, and not part of the normal life. I observed families with their pets having fun and laughter at the parks. And without fail, I would vow to do the same: get married, have kids and would visit playgrounds with our pets, like those happy people - after, that's, I have stopped drinking. Repeat, after I have stopped drinking! An old woman once when told I pined for a wife and a family someday but vowed to never get married if I didn't stop drinking, said then you will die a bachelor, she said! Checked.

But whether my dream would materialize or not was not important. The desire was there alright. And I meant every word I uttered. But the execution was missing. The culprit was the postponement; the argument that I could stop anytime I wanted to. The problem was I didn't want to, yet; or couldn't. So I carried on and on drinking on the assumption that I only continued to drink because I wanted to, not because I had to; add to that the fact that few drinkers (problem drinkers or alcoholics) ever admitted they had a drink problem and things can get a tat complicated. Checked.

Do you have a drink problem? You have to give an honest, truthful answer - whether to yourself or others. Otherwise, you’re only deceiving yourself and ending up on the slippery road. Checked.

You will never solve your problem until and unless you know and recognize you have a problem and want to get rid of it.Checked.

Before I decided to once and for all remove drinking (alcohol) as part of my life, I went through hell and heaven. Although the latter was all in the mind; you imagine you are in heaven after having nights out with friends of similar minds and drinking until you become merry and light headed and without a care in the world. Checked.

As they say, drinking beer can be extremely fun, at first. But then wait until you have had too much to drink, and start getting into trouble with the law, especially driving under the influence of alcohol, or getting into a fight in the bar with even drinking buddies; while some become loud-mouths and look for trouble with passers-bye, or worse, totter and fall into a drain! Checked.

Most of those who have drink problem do experience these embarrassing moments although few would admit. Hell was, well, hell. Checked.

For the start, I am quite a looker or easy on the eyes if you know what I mean. Checked.

What a waste is apt how I describe myself. If only - yes, if only - I could stop craving for beer; stop thinking about it all the time, and could look and see beers on display in a supermarket without turning weak in the knees and resolution, I would and could best all my friends in the dating game and land with the prettiest girls around. Checked.

That’s what could have been and had been indeed been throughout my bachelorhood. Checked.

I literally could pick and choose which girls I wanted. Unlike some friends who considered themselves lucky to snag a girl or two in their lives, I could have hundreds if I could bed them all. But sad to say, however, I failed to marry even one of them. All because of our friend John the Barleycorn! For, like they say, according to Freddy in his book “How to Stop Drinking within 3 Days,” once you have but tasted his blood, it will make your courage rise and bind you to him forever! Checked.

Now, the good news! Good news all drinkers – problem drinkers – have been praying for. There’s no need to stop drinking totally, I say. You could continue to indulge in your favorite booze if…you follow what I did. Or shall we say, if you do as I say. It's possible. It’s simple if you want it (stopping drinking) bad and possess the willpower. Lick the problem, through and through, completely stop and stay stopped, until you know you don’t need alcohol to function, to be normal anymore; nothing less. This I can’t emphasize enough: you must remove all traces of alcohol from your system – as if you’re reborn. And your drinking again, if you want to, is solely for the purpose of socializing for which purpose the beer was invented. Checked.

Although I am not drinking any more, I am not saying I stop or have stopped drinking. No! (That's what most alcoholics want to hear or pray for, I am sure! I should know!) Life would be meaningless if I force myself to deny myself the pleasure of drinking alcohol, or orange juice. Checked

In plain English, there’s no need to stop drinking anything. There is no harm in drinking anything if you do it not in excess.Checked.

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Nov 12, 2017

Opportunist Writers From Indian Community

The Drl Blog

By:David Lang

May 28, 2017 Updated Today:May 28, 2017

When People Ask About His Secret For His Longevity, Dr Mahathir Says Eat Less!

I think you have a point there, friend; no doubt about it. checked.

Let me also say this: In all my comments or articles I wrote I often alluded to many writers - Chinese and Malays - who would quickly step forward to take advantage of a situation to offer opinion pieces similar to the one by this Bilahari (we are talking about), whenever there's a controversy which can be seized by these aspiring writers as a key to becoming famous or published writers, if you will. Checked.

All writers everywhere crave the same thing - to get as many articles as possible published in order to establish themselves as credible writers and what better way to do that than writing something about controversial events or famous people people are interested in such as Tun Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamad, to get noticed. Checked.

But writing is a gift few people have and so these people may believe they are the intelligent few who are proud of their knowledge or writing prowess and wish to share. Checked.

For the talented ones once they become well-known as prolific writers of certain genre or field - and after a few of their books ascended the Amazon or The New York Times bestseller lists, riches await! Checked

I guess to enlarge my list to include Indian writers too is timely. Heretofore few Indians have been critical of Tun Dr Mahathir or forthcoming with their views on controversies like writers from other communities. Maybe they like him (as his ancestors also came from India) and maybe they are not opportunist writers. Whatever, but with the emergence of this Bilahari, we can expect to hear more from the Indian community or at least from Bilahari again. Checked.

Their timing was perfect, intended to cause the most possible damage to one side and get into the good book of the other. For instance, when Tun Dr Mahathir started to criticize prime minister Najib Tun Razak for all kinds of misdeeds and mismanagement of the country until Malaysia was saddled with debts of billions, to the extent of calling him to step down, many quarters stepped forward to defend the PM - through writing opinion pieces to discredit Dr Mahathir by saying Dr Mahathir was even worse than or at least as bad as the current prime minister during his time. Checked

There're many such writers around - I like to call them opportunist writers - for they usually comment on controversies involving VIPs and the government which is an unwise subject in Malaysia except if you write in its favor. One such writer I can recall easily was a Yulia Yiaw from the now-defunct The MalaysianInsider, whose article in the above portal not too long ago was very nasty and damning even though most of the facts that she presented were far from the truth, while another was Salleh Keruak of Sabah, who also wrote extensively on Dr M to demonize him for a reason, still does; and they were very effective opinion pieces due to their flawless English. Checked.

And..I doubt that their efforts were ignored or unappreciated by those in whose favor the (opinion) pieces were written. Checked.

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