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By David Lang

The following stories may fire your imagination, pique your interest. Some say 1MDB is Malaysia's Sovereign Wealth fund; to others they asked what wealth fund when its total capitalization is just One million ringgit? But, then again, if you think you can look down on the pet idea of the Malaysian prime minister, think again. His idea has the potential of turning the now world famous - or shall we say, infamous - 1Malaysia Development Berhad into a giant corporation you can ever imagine - even bigger than Bill Gate's Microsoft! At least, it could be, if the original course is stayed. It was supposed to inspire Malaysians to think big besides advance growth, according to its slogans screaming out of giant bill boards throughout the country. 'Backed' by the finance ministry who owns it - which means money will never be the problem - it can only succeed. But..it didn't. It failed! That's why it may have piqued many people's curiosity. How can a company flush with cash and can borrow any amount (billions) anytime could fail? Well, this may be in line with your thinking. People have seen since its inception - I mean after its name was changed in 1999 from Trengganu Investment Authority (TIA) to the present - it hasn't done any business! I have used present tense deliberately. It hasn't done any business yet. I mean if you are in business you need to make profit or find ways to make profit. Or close shop. Oh, I had heard about their filings of tax returns and hiring of a couple of internationally known auditors to sign off on their balance sheets; but these concerned only the company's borrowings and interests to be paid. Two massive bonds were issued to the tune of $7 billions. To buy up power plants. Again I want to say if you are in business to make money even investing in independent Power Plants, it should be done with the view to making a profit. The decision may be long term or short term, it doesn't matter, it has to make money, or no deal. May be they have done the right thing. Maybe luck was not on their side. Still, the amount is staggering. I didn't know having or managing so much money can be a problem! But many - especially the Malays - have not given up hope yet. Yes, may be the durians are just ripening; may be they need time and may fall soon!

Flying bat in a marquee

This is a automatic time

Recent Articles

This video is presented courtesy of Sally Page:

Malaysia's Vision 2020

By:David Lang

Malaysia is supposed to be on its way to becoming a developed nation, by the year 2020. Will she make it (in less than five years -tick-tuck, tick-tuck)? There is no doubt the year 2020 is coming whether the country is ready or not, and if that will be the only requirement then Malaysia will attain that developed nation status on schedule. There is a question, though, Will Malaysia, or Malaysians, for that matter, be ready for that status as far as their affluence, quality of life's concern? Currently Malaysia's GNI per capita stood at US$10060. According to the World Bank high income economies are those with GNI per capita of US$12,745. And until Malaysians earn much more to be there, the developed nation status may not be achieved even by the year 2020. The futility of declaring a country a high income country when it's not, achieves nothing. May be even counter-productive; it lulls the country into false sense of success and premature celebration. Don't forget China reportedly overtook Japan as the world's second largest economy, but in actual fact China's citizens' ca pita income is a fraction of the incomes of the Japanese who earn $37,000. Chinese incomes range from $13,000. China's gross domestic product, taken as a whole, may beat Japan's, but in term of quality of life, and GNI per capita income, the criteria for a developed nation status, China still has a lot of catching up to do. That's why China still qualifies as recipient of Japan's economic aid meant for developing countries. Comparing with the Chinese per capita domestic product, Malaysia is even worse off. Unless the government bucks up and rushes to create more wealth for its citizens, the Vision 2020 dream may remain just that ..a dream.

Jun 29, 2013

'MCA go home' vs 'Where was DAP 13 years ago?' at Jonker Walk

'MCA go home' vs 'Where was DAP 13 years ago?' at Jonker Walk
What?! Gan qualified his being there as a survey, not to protest? Let alone to lead the protest? Did Mr. Gan Tian Loo realize that the MCA protest carries more weight than DAP protest many times over. The state government, being UMNO-led government, considers the DAP as the opposition working hand-in-hand with PAS and PKR to oust UMNO from power, rescinding the directive on the request from DAP leaders will make the party even more popular. I thought, at first, here come the MCA, finally to do what it's supposed to do. Then the expected  happened. He got cold feet. The reporter who covered the protest reported Gan was suddenly cautious . He was like ..."I'm here to lend my support to..the .. no, wait! I am not here to support the traders - but just to do a quick survey! But I am glad to be standing here with the protesters but reporters, please put it down in black and white I am not, I repeat, am not here as part of the protest. This is the reason the MCA was shunned, I mean has been shunned by the Chinese. They do not represent the Chinese anymore. They cannot get things done anymore unlike in the old days. Gan admitted his meeting with the chief minister was fruitless, but would keep trying. Keep trying for what? He should stop embarrassing the MCA and reducing its credibility further by continuing to beg despite being rebuffed earlier. Again, this proved that the Malaysian Chinese Association has really completely lost its usefulness. If a small matter like Jonker Walk closure was beyond its power then, that 's it.

Jun 22, 2013

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Feb 15, 2013

How To Repair Your Own Refrigerator And Save A Bundle

when I received a call the other day (night) from a Miss Lee complaining about her fridge not working (she noticed the temperature inside the fridge was warm comparable to room temperature), I asked her to check if the fridge's power switch was at on or off?

Jan 2, 2019

Theresa May Doesn't Know What She's Doing

By David Lang

December 10, 2018 Updated Today: December 11, 2018

It's reasonable to say that in order to solve the Brexit mess which kept Britain in limbo, you have to get rid of the cause or its cause --Theresa May. With her around all those who voted remain or pro-EU, would appeal, beg, force or threaten her to give them what they want: for UK to remain as EU member. The ways or methods may be multiple or varied but the goal remains the same--she can be pressured, persuaded, forced or threatened to give in (What Spain had got from May after it threatened to 'veto' the Draft Withdrawl agreement just after 24 hours is a good analogy). May intructed the UK ambassador to EU to deliver a letter of cave-in to Spain immediately. With a negotiator with such a weak will, no wonder the UK came up short compared to the EU which celebrated their success and patted themselves in the back gleefully after they got Theresa May to sign the lopsided withdrawl agreement -- with disbelief clearly written on their faces.

With May crossing her own red lines one after another, everyone - the remainers, the big businesses, the Bank of England, The Labour Party, the Liberal, and last but not least, the EU themselves -- want May to entertain their demands and decide to remain in the EU.

Their agitation for another referndum had somewhat paid off already. At the beginning the word 'No Deal' was much more acceptable than now. Even May herself conceded the government would start making preparations for the unlikelihood of the UK crashing out of the EU. Now everyone is convinced the UK should stay in the EU rather than crash out. This change of mind came about gradually due to bad publicity over what would happen if the UK crashes out of the EU without agreement. A slew of analyses by the Threasury, the Big Businesses, the Bank of England, the chamber of businesses, and of course the EU leaders themselves who obviously feel the pain of losing such a big and rich member who is also neuclear-armed, to paint no-deal as a disaster for Britain equal to the miseries of 2nd World War. So far no one who support the Leave came out to challege these opinion pieces and predictions of doom, and allow those who voted Leave to be brain-washed on the daily basis with no qualm.

It's unbelievable that British people who are proud owners of the best universities in the whole world, can be so naive and ignorant (like benighted peasants) about what EU and their supporters in England are trying to do.

It's an open secret that the EU want to stop Brexit. If it comes to pass the EU stand to lose billions every year. It's therefore in their interest if the UK cancelled Brexit altogether -- failing which they're determined to extract every penny out of them and make life miserable for them to make them lose interest in leaving.

The EU found themselves very lucky that Theresa May is the prime minister. If not for her, it's more than likely that the UK would choose to crash out rather than concede everything in order to get a deal, and the EU would themselves have a hard time securing a good deal to celebrate over.

The EU acted tough when negotiating with May as they observed May as eager to clinch a deal. They played hide and seek with her for two years to extract a heavy toll from her. They are shivering at the thought of No Deal Brexit, for this will allow the UK to become independent and prosperous - in competition with the EU! The British may have perished this thought already. Poor British -- are still clueless they have been conned good and proper. The EU and their agents such as the "Remain" backbenchers dubbed "The 15 Mutineers" by the Daily Telegraph would fight from many prongs: court cases by alledging overspending the limit by the leavers. They stop at nothing to get their way.

During these turmoils, the EU are as involved in British politics as the British themselves. Shamelessly they interfered they tried to get the Remainers to win in the Brexit Battles--for the Remainers' win is also their win. They kept pace with progress of Brexit and issued statements from across the channel to frustrate leavers and aid remainers when needed. Short of participating in debating in the Commons, the EU are as involved as the British MPs. Every now and then they would issue exemptions in law like the UK can unilaterally cancel Article 50 notice anytime, no questions asked. In plain English, all will be done or forgiven, exempted if it encourages the British to keep their membership in the EU. Checked.

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Dec 30, 2018

EU Denies Plot To Keep UK In EU Forever

The EU may have unwittingly overplayed their role and may have to regret if the UK crashes out on 29 March 2019!

By David Lang

December 29, 2018 Updated Today:June 3, 2019

The European commission president rejected claims of a plot to keep the UK in the EU

Finally, the cat is out of the bag. The EU is suspected of doing everything possible to prevent the UK leaving the union. This was denied by the European commission president Jean-Claude Juncker but instead actually it confirmed that there was such a possibility. Surely he doesn't enjoy promoting fake news if there's no substance to it. We don't forget how the EU as represented by its chief negotiator Michel Barnier wouldn't concede an inch over the Irish backstop, thereby leaving the UK with no choice but to leaving on WTO terms or no-deal which the Remainers vowed to prevent at all cost. And Juncker and Ireland's taoiseach Leo Varadkar in quick succession also threatened to hold Theresa May accountable over her agreement that there would be no return of the hard border between Northern Ireland and Ireland which they managed to trick or coax her to agree to in December; although Juncker did not elaborate further, it's widely believed the Remainers in the Labour party and in the Conservatives party could be working together with Brussels to keep the UK in the EU; the EU perforce underwrites all the costs incurred in the exercise; as the benefit of UK membership is worth billions per year, a billion or two or even 10-billion bribes to the Remainers - whether the cross-party MPs, civil service heads, business association heads, or other government institutional chiefs, will be money well spent indeed.
So the fight for people's vote, new referendum, vow to do everything to stop no-deal Brexit, were not done in UK's interests but their own. If these Remainder traitors managed to pull it off and the UK is stuck in the EU, the EU will be entitled to receive, and continue to receive billions after billions in member contributions from Britain which is the world's fifth largest economy; or if they managed to ensure the UK leaves with a deal and by extension, the Eu gets paid 39bn sterling, it could be expected to gladly share 10bn or more of that with the Remainers inside the UK. This may sound far-fetched; it's not. If they have not been promised this lucrative reward, it's doubtful these mutinous Tory MPs in the backbench, including those in the Labour party, the civil service chiefs, the police chiefs, bank chiefs, business association chiefs, chamber of commerce chiefs, the army and air force chiefs, would work so hard to try to stop Brexit--as if their very lives depend on it..except they have other unknown reasons. But don't forget that if they and the Eu succeeded, Britain would end up like a colony or a vassal state or rule takers sans any rights to be part of the process to formulate rules or laws, so their actions were not for the good of Britain. Period.
Don't forget 39bn is more than enough for the EU to keep their promise to pay all Remainers inside the UK if they can prove they did contribute in some way to the success of stopping the no-deal Brexit. As this is a one-time spending--the EU can be expected to spend even in excess of the 39bn. If the UK is successfully stopped from leaving as a member it needs to pay billions in annual contribution to the EU budget. So, the 39b spent on the traitorous Remainers would be worth every penny!
You can be sure this statement by Jean-Claude Juncker is not issued for fun but to nip the assertion in the bud. They are worried if allowed to go viral it may anger even the die-hard Remainers and transform them into leavers! Offers of millions may be tempting, but not all who support remain did it for money.
Already, a lot of people are not satisfied that what Mrs May brought back from Brussels was a fairly-negotiated deal, after it was revealed "one of Michel Barnier's goals was to let the remaining 27 EU members realize that "leaving the EU is not a good idea!"
According to Sir Simon Fraser, quote: "the UK would have to accept that the EU will impose an economic and political price tag for Brexit, partly to make it clear to other EU member states that 'it's not a good idea to leave.'"
In conclusion, according to the fine prints in the Mrs May's so-called Brexit deal, if carried out, will leave Britain vastly diminished and may never rise again.
If true, everyone should confront Mrs May and demand an explanation. Why she's prepared to do in her beloved motherland. How much is it worth to sell out her own country? She's far from being a benighted peasant so she should know what will happen to the prestige and honor of Her Majesty The Queen as the head of the commonwealth when England or the Great Britain was reduced to a dependency state of the EU with having to follow all EU rules but have no say in the making of those rules!

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