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By David Lang
The following stories may fire your imagination, pique your interest. Some say 1MDB is Malaysia's Sovereign Wealth fund; to others they asked what wealth fund when its total capitalization is just One million ringgit? But, then again, if you think you can look down on the pet idea of the Malaysian prime minister, think again. His idea has the potential of turning the now world famous - or shall we say, infamous - 1Malaysia Development Berhad into a giant corporation you can ever imagine - even bigger than Bill Gate's Microsoft! At least, it could be, if the original course is stayed. It was supposed to inspire Malaysians to think big besides advance growth, according to its slogans screaming out of giant bill boards throughout the country. 'Backed' by the finance ministry who owns it - which means money will never be the problem - it can only succeed. didn't. It failed! That's why it may have piqued many people's curiosity. How can a company flush with cash and can borrow any amount (billions) anytime could fail? Well, this may be in line with your thinking. People have seen since its inception - I mean after its name was changed in 1999 from Trengganu Investment Authority (TIA) to the present - it hasn't done any business! I have used present tense deliberately. It hasn't done any business yet. I mean if you are in business you need to make profit or find ways to make profit. Or close shop. Oh, I had heard about their filings of tax returns and hiring of a couple of internationally known auditors to sign off on their balance sheets; but these concerned only the company's borrowings and interests to be paid. Two massive bonds were issued to the tune of $7 billions. To buy up power plants. Again I want to say if you are in business to make money even investing in independent Power Plants, it should be done with the view to making a profit. The decision may be long term or short term, it doesn't matter, it has to make money, or no deal. May be they have done the right thing. Maybe luck was not on their side. Still, the amount is staggering. I didn't know having or managing so much money can be a problem! But many - especially the Malays - have not given up hope yet. Yes, may be the durians are just ripening; may be they need time and may fall soon!

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A Commander-in-chief Who Doesn't Act Like One
Israel Has No Choice But To Deter
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Trump Had Better Keep His Promise
President Trump: James Comey, You Are Fired
About Dr Mahathir
Why Tun Dr Mahathir Was So Powerful When He Was Prime Minister?
If You Wish To Settle Down In Great Britain You Are Welcome But Please Apply For Visa First
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!>The DRL Blog > News>Malaysia>opinion
Malaysia's Vision 2020
By:David Lang
Malaysia is supposed to be on its way to becoming a developed nation, by the year 2020. Will she make it (in less than five years -tick-tuck, tick-tuck)? There is no doubt the year 2020 is coming whether the country is ready or not, and if that will be the only requirement then Malaysia will attain that developed nation status on schedule. There is a question, though, Will Malaysia, or Malaysians, for that matter, be ready for that status as far as their affluence, quality of life's concern? Currently Malaysia's GNI per capita stood at US$10060. According to the World Bank high income economies are those with GNI per capita of US$12,745. And until Malaysians earn much more to be there, the developed nation status may not be achieved even by the year 2020. The futility of declaring a country a high income country when it's not, achieves nothing. May be even counter-productive; it lulls the country into false sense of success and premature celebration. Don't forget China reportedly overtook Japan as the world's second largest economy, but in actual fact China's citizens' ca pita income is a fraction of the incomes of the Japanese who earn $37,000. Chinese incomes range from $13,000. China's gross domestic product, taken as a whole, may beat Japan's, but in term of quality of life, and GNI per capita income, the criteria for a developed nation status, China still has a lot of catching up to do. That's why China still qualifies as recipient of Japan's economic aid meant for developing countries. Comparing with the Chinese per capita domestic product, Malaysia is even worse off. Unless the government bucks up and rushes to create more wealth for its citizens, the Vision 2020 dream may remain just that ..a dream.
Jun 29, 2013
'MCA go home' vs 'Where was DAP 13 years ago?' at Jonker Walk
What?! Gan qualified his being there as a survey, not to protest? Let alone to lead the protest? Did Mr. Gan Tian Loo realize that the MCA protest carries more weight than DAP protest many times over. The state government, being UMNO-led government, considers the DAP as the opposition working hand-in-hand with PAS and PKR to oust UMNO from power, rescinding the directive on the request from DAP leaders will make the party even more popular. I thought, at first, here come the MCA, finally to do what it's supposed to do. Then the expected happened. He got cold feet. The reporter who covered the protest reported Gan was suddenly cautious . He was like ..."I'm here to lend my support to..the .. no, wait! I am not here to support the traders - but just to do a quick survey! But I am glad to be standing here with the protesters but reporters, please put it down in black and white I am not, I repeat, am not here as part of the protest. This is the reason the MCA was shunned, I mean has been shunned by the Chinese. They do not represent the Chinese anymore. They cannot get things done anymore unlike in the old days. Gan admitted his meeting with the chief minister was fruitless, but would keep trying. Keep trying for what? He should stop embarrassing the MCA and reducing its credibility further by continuing to beg despite being rebuffed earlier. Again, this proved that the Malaysian Chinese Association has really completely lost its usefulness. If a small matter like Jonker Walk closure was beyond its power then, that 's it.
Jun 22, 2013
Apr 20, 2013
Apr 6, 2013
Apr 1, 2013
Feb 15, 2013
How To Repair Your Own Refrigerator And Save A Bundle
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May 11, 2017
President Trump: James Comey, You Are Fired
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News > James Comey Deserved What He got >He Actually Should Resign Out Of His Own Volition
By:David Lang
May 11, 2017 Updated Today:May 11, 2017
President Trump Could Have Him Fired After His inauguration, But He Didn't which Means He's A Fair Man. See What He got In return!
It finally happened: President Trump relieved James Comey of his post as FBI directer! Checked.
This came as no surprise to many people - maybe even the directer himself, in view of what has transpired over the past six months! Checked.
Instead of trying his best to carry out his duty as the top cop of the land which he swore to do - never mind about trying to justify the president's confidence in allowing him to carry on as FBI directer which people expect him to - he did the opposite. Instead of carrying out his duty to the best of his ability and calling on his subordinates to pull their socks up to go to the bottom of the alleged Trump team-Russian collusion and come forward with the result, if any, and bring closure to the matter and put it to rest so that the president of the United States can carry on with his job he was elected to do by the American people. But he instead created a pall of dark cloud hanging over the administration by announcing there's an on-going investigation by the FBI over the toxic-Democrats-inspired, so-called Trump-Russia collusion! Checked.
On-going FBI investigation? Or the Left/Dems/George-Soros/Obama investigation? Who made the first police report or filed a complaint to the DOJ to warrant the investigation paper to be opened, and the FBI tasked to do the donkey work? And, this is more important, why Comey wanted to throw President Trump under the bus? What has he done to deserve such hatred and the on-going investigation? Comey needs no rocket science to know there was no crime committed but just an allegation to harm President Trump. Then why James Comey didn't do the right thing and put the matter to rest once and for all? Why not be a gentleman like James Clapper and say "After Investigating thoroughly from all angles, we the FBI have come to the conclusion that we find no evidence of wrong-doing, and therefore we have decided to close the investigation forth with." Something needs to have happened before an investigation can begin. Checked.
A good analogy is compare to an investigation of a traffic accident after it happened; not before, or none at all as in the case of the Russian-Trump collusion. James Clapper, the Directer of the CIA said clearly and reiterated many times until today - there's no evidence of collusion, repeat, no collusion! Checked.
But the FBI directer chose to stubbornly continue with the investigation ordered by...President Obama! Checked.
When asked about the progress of the investigation, he's always tight-lipped citing the practice of not revealing details about an on-going investigation! He also often time resorts to ambiguity to defense the need to have the investigation at all in the first place! Checked.
There's no doubt James Comey is an dishonest man and unscrupulous man as it's within power to exercise his prerogative to close the unwarranted investigation, by explaining there was no cause for the investigation! And the American people will remember him forever for for carrying out his duty independently and fairly. I am saying this about Comey hypothetically. As it's, he had maybe unintentionally allowed him to be used as the tools by the Dems and the Left to destroy President Trump's administration. As far his legacy as the outstanding FBI directer for the later generations to admire or learn from, he blew it! Checked.
Correct me if I am wrong, all theses narratives of Trump or Trump's team having colluded with the Russians came about as an afterthought. They lost the election they thought they were going to win. Then a post mortem was conducted by the Dems and the results pointed to possible causes: John Padester's email account was hacked into and in the process exposed some secrets which impacted badly on Hillary Clinton's reputation which by extension, harmed her election prospect, or her electability, if you will. Checked.
According to Hillary Clinton herself, James Comey was half of the reason she failed to get elected. She claimed she was confident she was on her way to be president - the 45th president, if you will - if not for the FBI directer's decision to talk about her extreme carelessness in handling classified information (emails) by storing them in her ad hoc, unsecured email server located at the basement of her house which everyone knows is an espionage crime, in public two weeks before election day. Many believed this put paid to her dream of becoming POTUS. Checked.
As much she hated Comey for that, however, Hillary relented and stopped criticizing the FBI directer after realizing that he had helped her more than can imagine when he recommended to the DOJ to not indict her! He had saved her neck, if you will. Checked.
Still, the loss to Donald Trump was more than she could bear (realizing that she probably lost the only chance to be president of the USA), and couldn't come to term with that, until today.Checked.
She also needed to explain (lie if necessary) to her supporters men and women throughout the country who shamelessly cried like babies when it dawned that she lost, why she lost to Donald Trump. She, of course, claimed the Russian interfered or hacked into our election process to help Donald Trump (win). Checked.
That narrative or allegation of Trump's win being paved by the Russians gave birth to the melodrama titled: Russia-Trump Collusion. Checked.
The drama had been played to sold-out houses so far because the MSM had highly recommended and promoted it. The snake oil pitching and their salesmen and women never tire of peddling their fraudulent liniment without snake extract - the Russian collusion - because it fits well with their desire to see Trump administration destroyed, and costs them nothing as all are paid by tax payers. But who knows... if they succeed, some president would become a 1-term president! Checked.
President Trump has got himself in messy situation because of his mouth - he never hesitates to give a piece of his mind to anybody who crosses him. Chuck Schumer called him stupid for criticizing the Intelligence Communities, for the costs that follow would be painful. Obama on the other hand managed to get into the good book of the intelligence communities who loved him so much they were prepared to do anything for him, for free! Checked.
Comey is one such loyal subordinate of Obama who thinks nothing of playing hide and seek with Trump although Trump was not exactly his enemy. After being sworn in as president it's his prerogative to fire or keep Comey; he decided to keep him. Checked.
Comey no doubt now feels angry, especially after he was incited by many quarters on the left. Checked.
The Dailykos was very damaging in its reports. It lined up many people to give comments, or shall we say - to trash Trump. Why it took so much trouble to discredit the president who seems to mean them no harm. I guess before this President Trump might not even know the even this Dailykos exists. And I am sure many words in those comments were replaced, changed or removed to create more impact (on Trump). Sad! Checked.
What began as a triumph for Trump in his firing of Comey - with many people opining Trump did the right thing and some even asking what took him so long - has turned into mini crisis due to the relentless spinning by the media. In conclusion, his hurling of 59 Tomahawk missiles to Syrian Airfield in order to get into the good book of the Left or the Dems, failed, for the goodwill that earned him from that reckless action didn't last long. Now the Dems were back at his throat with a vengeance, premised on James Comey firing. Checked.
What a slick bunch these Liberals, Left and Dems are - when they run out of issues to nail Trump, they just improvise - snatch from thin air, if you. And then doggedly stick to their guns until success! Checked.
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